Website Design – Facts and Fiction

You’ve decided that you need a website for your business, or you’ve already got one that’s looking decidedly long in the tooth. You  approach a web designer who tells you his company will design the coolest-looking site you could get. It will cost, or course, but it will knock your customers’ socks off. Should you spend your money on it?

There are many myths about website design. Most people think that to be successful you simply need to design a website that looks great. Some businesses spend a fortune with a web designer to get a website that looks fantastic.

These days, designing a professional-looking website is fairly easy so you shouldn’t need to spend a fortune on a great design. Content management systems such as WordPress have made the design process simple and easier and, in turn, have reduced costs,.

The real skill that will decide the success or failure of a website, comes, first, in knowing what to put in the site – the content – and, secondly, knowing what to do with the site when it’s all put together – the marketing. Many web designers put all the emphasis on the design part at the ex[ense of the content and marketing parts.

Great content in the form of text description, images, video or audio is what makes the site. It serves to show your capability, hold visitors’ attention and interest and convert them into sales or qualified leads.

Marketing using channels such as search engines, blogs, newsletters, email, social media etc. is essential to attract visitors to the site in the first place.

Without content or marketing a cool looking website is simply that, a cool looking website. But that won’t generate business for you.

So before you go out and spend money getting a website designed, do some research first. Take a look around the rest if this site, particularly at the Blog section where you will find a wealth of information. If you would like to find out more about what we can do for you, call us on 01568 609800 for an informal chat.

Written by
Mike Brogan
Mike is a website developer specializiing in website design, online marketing, ecommerce design, and consutancy. He has developed website for clients for over 20 years.

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