Know How – Shortcut Keys 2

Following on from my previous article on shortcut keys, here are some more:

  • Ctrl + A – Selects all the text in a document, or webpage. Also select all emails listed in Outlook. Works in many other areas too. Try it.
  • F1 – Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
  • Home – Goes to beginning of current line.
  • Ctrl + Home – Goes to beginning of document.
  • End – Goes to end of current line.
  • Ctrl + End – Goes to end of document.
  • Shift + Home – Highlights from current position to beginning of line.
  • Shift + End – Highlights from current position to end of line.
  • Ctrl + Left arrow – Moves one word to the left at a time.
  • Ctrl + Right arrow – Moves one word to the right at a time.
  • Alt + Print Screen – Takes an image copy of the screen. You can then paste it into a video editing application to edit and/or manipulate.

Feel free to comment with your own suggestions for other shortcuts.

Written by
Mike Brogan
Mike is a website developer specializiing in website design, online marketing, ecommerce design, and consutancy. He has developed website for clients for over 20 years.

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