30 Website & SEO Tips

Below are the 30 tips from my eBook 30 Website & SEO Tips for Small and Medium Businesses.

Download your free copy here.

  1. Build a keyword list
  2. Use keyword research tools
  3. Put keywords in the page title
  4. Put keywords in the meta description
  5. Put keywords in the page header
  6. Put keywords in other sub-headings
  7. Bold keywords
  8. Use keywords in the page content
  9. Use keywords in the ALT text
  10. Don’t ignore image search
  11. Put keywords in the page URL
  12. Keep it natural
  13. Include keywords in internal links
  14. Add a call to action
  15. Ensure page content is formatted to look professional
  16. Keep content up to date
  17. Get inbound links from other websites
  18. Create excellent content
  19. Register your site on local directories
  20. Ask for links from people you know
  21. Create a blog
  22. Post blog content that is useful and educational
  23. Guest blog on similar niche industry blogs
  24. Avoid black-hat link building strategies
  25. Use local servers
  26. Make your website load quickly
  27. Set up a sitemap
  28. Manitor your rank
  29. Monitor traffic
  30. Use Google Webmaster tools

Written by
Mike Brogan
Mike is a website developer specializiing in website design, online marketing, ecommerce design, and consutancy. He has developed website for clients for over 20 years.

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