Ten Computer Shortcuts To Make You More Efficient

Do you find yourself getting frustrated by technology – computers, the Internet, mobile phones for example? These simple tips, in the video below, will help restore some sanity and save you time into the bargain.

The video is a recording of a talk given by David Pogue who describes himself as the personal technology columnist for the New York Times. It’s just under 6 minutes long and well worth watching.

To save you time making your owns notes, here are some that I made from the video.

  • Scrolling on your computer – pressing space bar scrolls down 1 page. Ctrl/space scrolls up 1 page.
  • On forms press tab to jump to the next field.
  • Ctrl/+ make the text larger. Ctrl/- makes the text smaller. Just keep repeating to get even larger or smaller.
  • On smartphones, to avoid typing full-stop, space and then capitalizing the next letter when you start a new sentence, just hit the space button twice. (Actually, on my Blackberries you just hold the space button down for about a second)
  • On any phone just hit the call button to redial the last number dialed.
  • To skip those recorded messages you get when you dial certain companies just hit the # key.
  • To convert currencies or measurement units just type the values into the Google search box. You’ll find the converted values at the top of the search results.
  • If you’re editing text on a computer and want to highlight a word just double click it rather than swiping your mouse across it.
  • When the word has been highlighted just type over it rather than deleting it first.
  • On a digital camera, to avoid shutter lag, press the shutter button half way to pre-focus before taking the picture.

I hope you found these tips useful. I certainly did. If you have any tips of your own to share just hit the Read More button below and leave a comment for others to see.

Written by
Mike Brogan
Mike is a website developer specializiing in website design, online marketing, ecommerce design, and consutancy. He has developed website for clients for over 20 years.

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